Thursday, January 26, 2012

Making Time for Me

Hi y'all, Every morning I get on the treadmill for 30min. I am almost able to walk/jog 1.75 miles. When I reach that 2 mile mark in 30 mini will increase my time to like 45mins. I know exercise is important. That is why no matter what I am doing, when that clock says 6am I am on the treadmill. I am making time for ME. My oldest kids leave me alone and the baby is usually still asleep. If she's awake then she sits quietly in the chair while I work out. It feels so good to make time for myself doing something that I want to do. Measurements- they were what I expected. I lost some inches. Food- I need to start writing down what I eat. I just count in my head the protein. I'll start tomorrow. Bye yall


  1. It's great that you're doing so well with exercise! It really does feel great to put yourself first once in a while doesn't it? I know a lot of people track their calories through myfitnesspal but I use MyPlate on and I also have the app on my phone and I do so much better when I track everything that goes into my mouth. It really helps you to be accountable. Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks for the comment about the comparison pics. Honestly, I don't really do anything special with my arms... I just use the bicep and tricep machines at the gym. And honestly, I haven't even been to the gym in a while. I've been very very bad with exercise. But you seem to be rocking it, so keep up the awesome work and maybe reading your blog will give me the motivation to get off my bum :)

  3. good job committing to the exercise!
